Welcome back to the new Willow Bay. It's time to start another rotation, which means it's back to my simself's household we go.
Rex: I'm not dead yet?
No, somehow you have become one of my longest lasting sims. Nearly 4 months old.
Eleanor: Hey, this creepy ginger followed me home.
Please be nice to Grace. Someone died in her home last time I played them.
Eleanor: Cool.
Oh crap... please tell me that it was Abhijeet who caught my simself "cheating."
Jihoon: I trusted you, man, and you betray me like this?
Oof... I am in the doghouse.
Eleanor: You're an idiot, dad. If you're going to fuck around, the first rule is don't get caught.
Rex: I really should consider being a romance sim.
Well, at least there's some good news. Eleanor gave birth to a son named Elijah Sim. He has Russ' hair and eyes.
Just a casual picture to show off the custom content I downloaded.
Julian: So I have a nephew.
Eleanor: Dad thought it would be good if you two bonded.
Julian: I have class right now.
Eleanor and Russ work on baby #2.
If it weren't for the personality, I would swear that Elijah is Russ' clone.
Jihoon: Little man, don't be anything like your other grandpa.
Don't tempt me to say I rolled a four at the end of winter 3.
Eleanor: Good thing I can walk to work.
Happy family moment.
Luckily, Jihoon and my simself have not managed to divorce and/or kill each other. Bless this tacky family.
Russ: Am I only going to get featured when I show up at other houses?
Rex: It's not our fault you aren't interesting. You were supposed to be a criminal.
Well, with that around the skill bar, it looks like fall is upon us in the Sim household. Next up...
The Deppiesse family! Yes, the family that is responsible for this entire neighbourhood having a college... and a high SM.
Abhijeet and Charlie Tang are enjoying some quality time with their son, Kyle, gone at college. They are also enjoying the drama they cause by sleeping with everyone.
Charlie at least keeps it on the down low. He also managed to reach the top of the culinary career meaning it's unlocked to everyone.
In doing so, he met Craig Ray.
So each household at least makes some progress, Craig moved into the Deppiesse household. He is a knowledge sim who wants to be a criminal mastermind. Since I don't have any positions in the criminal field right now, he'll just work in medical.
He will also get himself a fancy new makeover. Yes, I do enjoy flexing my custom content. So glad there are still creators at modthesims.
Craig: Why is no one ordering?
Because they spend $9999 an hour to be here and use the hot tubs. It's a cash cow business. Speaking of, Klub Ing made $2,000,000 this rotation to upgrade the university by 2 levels for an additional 10 SM.
To celebrate their success, Abhijeet and Charlie brought Craig in to join their relationship. I officially have a polyamorous family in my game.
Craig will also be made useful as the youngest member of their throuple when it comes to making more babies. Kyle will no longer be an only child.
At the end of the rotation, Charlie grew into elderhood.
As summer turned to fall, it was time to hit up the final household of the update...
Over at the Fancey household, the remaining kids were working on topping their skills and getting through school. Ivette was fairly close to finishing her last skill (body).
And Anne Marie just needed one more day to be an overachiever.
In the first of many birthdays, Ivette became a teenager and rolled romance/grilled cheese. She wants to be a visionary.
Post makeover.
Ivette: I look like a skank.
I wish she had been knowledge so she could have gone permaplat like Eleanor did.
Ivette: Please don't compare me to your daughter.
Ivette will also be using Joshua Cameron as want fodder.
Joshua: *munch* At least I get free food out of this.
So the family could actually do something for the neighbourhood, I had Gordon purchase a community lot to build a business.
This is Mon Chairy- the chair and sofa store.
Gordon: Come on, kid. Buy the armchair.
Alexander: *sniff* I'm only 9 years old, mister. I don't have that kind of money.
I let it get up to level 4 before I left the lot.
During the double birthday, Gordon became an elder and Anne Marie became a teenager. She rolled romance/pleasure and wants to be a professional party guest.
Reminder that the sisters are clones.
The close the round, Ivette moved away to college. In the next round, she will only be played for 3 semesters to keep her balanced with the neighbourhood.
And that is that for the first three households of the round.
Because I hit 20 households between the three neighbourhoods (Willow Bay, Boolprop College, & The Moon Islands), I built a new NPC lot called Willow Bay Beach. It's mainly just decorative so I have a place to send sims to hang out. It was built before Mon Chairy, so that business is not pictured.
Stats update:
Playable Sims: 71
SM: 60
Total Population: 4260
Graves: 3
Business Tycoons: 2 (Melissa Fancey & Christy Stratton)
Business Districts: 2 – The Moon Islands (Lvl. 2)
Universities: 7 – Boolprop College (Lvl. 9)
Households: 20; Community Lots: 15 (3 NPC**; 12 Player-Owned) - Total Lots: 35
Careers Unlocked: Business, Athletic, Slacker (1/1), Architecture (12/13), Adventure, Criminal (0/2), Medical, Law, Music, Dance, Education (16/17 or Diploma), Culinary, Law Enforcement (3/3), Science, Entertainment (1/1), Art (1/1), Pet Service, Gamer (Borg Family), Intelligence (1/1), Journalism (3/4), Politics, Military
University Funds: $9,000,000
Fires: 5 | Burglaries: 2 | Electrocutions: 0
CAS Sims Available: 56/69
Service Calls: Unlocked
Pizza/Chinese Delivery: Unlocked
**4th NPC exists but does not count toward the lot count as it is a secret society**
**5th NPC exists but does not count toward the lot count as it is a military base**
SM Breakdown:
+1 – initial point
+1 – first community lot
+1 – first 5 community lots
+1 – additional 5 community lots
+1 - additional 5 community lots
+45 – 9 universities
+10 – 2 business districts
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